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Long Covid, the BioRobotics Institute of the SAnt'Anna School is participating in a project to study the effects of Covid 19 infections on the cognitive functions of people hospitalised in intensive care units

Publication date: 21.03.2023
Long Covid, progetto istituto di Biorobotica
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The Azienda USL Toscana nord ovest is coordinating a new research project, financed by the Region of Tuscany as part of the Covid call, which aims to study the effects of Covid 19 infections on the cognitive functions of people who have required admission to intensive care.
The project is coordinated by Dr. Federico Posteraro, Director of Rehabilitation at the Versilia Hospital, and collaborates with Dr. Francesco Lombardo of the Monasterio Foundation in Pisa and Sara Moccia, assistant professor at the Biorobotics Institute of the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna in Pisa. The Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca, with Professor Emiliano Ricciardi, will also be part of the pool of researchers participating in the study.

The effects of Long Covid

The project involves a group of people, aged less than 70 years, who have had a Covid 19 infection in the past, have been admitted to intensive care and still have symptoms that can be traced back to the so-called 'long Covid'. In particular, these people do not feel that they have fully recovered all their pre-infection functions.

'The study - says Dr Posteraro - will allow us to assess the number and extent of cognitive impairments after Covid infection, their impact on brain functioning, and the possible effectiveness of the rehabilitation treatment provided'.

This is a highly topical project because the distant outcomes of Covid 19 infection are being evaluated worldwide.

The role of The BioRobotics Institute

The aim of the research activities of the Institute of BioRobotics, coordinated by Sara Moccia, is to design, develop and carry out a feasibility study of scenarios realised in virtual environments and integrated within an upper limb robotic rehabilitation platform used by subjects infected with coronavirus disease (COVID-19).

The research activities are carried out within the Bioelectronics Area of Prof. Silvestro Micera and in collaboration with Prof. Stefano Mazzoleni (Politecnico di Bari).

To apply for the study, people can contact Dr Posteraro by e-mail at or call 0584.6057061, also to ask for further clarifications and details on how to participate.

Fonte foto: Ufficio Stampa ASL Toscana nord ovest